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1500 Astor Ave 2nd Floor, Suite A, Bronx, NY 10469

Everything You Need to Know About Reopening a Personal Injury Claim

Bronx personal injury attorney

Whenever a legal matter is closed, the primary intention is to close it forever to avoid harassment to the parties and it is also in the best interest of the state to avoid pending litigations. However, there can be a few instances where either party is not satisfied and realizes the same after everything was put to an end. Thus, it surfaces questions like can you reopen a disposed of personal injury case? Is there any possibility to get better compensation? If yes, what is the procedure?

Well, if you are in a similar situation, go ahead and talk with our scholarly Bronx personal injury lawyer. You will get a detailed analysis of your case specifically from us for free. However, the general conditions for such reopening matters are pointed down.

Can You Reopen a Personal Injury Case?

The usual answer should be no; however, there are always some exceptions recognized by the law. It is the discretion of the court, and that too only in those cases where you can prove that the earlier verdict lacked merit due to a very strong and legally acceptable ground. Since this is a technical, legal, and crucial point, it is always wise to hire the most experienced Bronx personal injury lawyers like ours. We promise to delve into your case carefully and get the case reopened if it satisfies the law.

In What Situations Will a Personal Injury Claim Be Allowed To Reopen?

As understood from the previous paragraphs, not all cases are eligible for reopening. Thus, it becomes imperative to know what type of situations allows such reopening. Some of the sold grounds for another action for the same claim can be among the following:-

  • Newly found evidence
  • Fraud by other the party
  • Mutual mistake by the parties
  • Judgment not on merit
  • Other strong reasons

Our intellectual attorneys will find a way out for you if your earlier claim was short of your expectations due to genuine reasons.

Can You Reject The Request For Reopening?

Yes, it is a legal mandate that a settled claim or finally passed verdict should not be reopened as it causes unrest to the parties and the State wishes to dispose of the litigations as soon as possible. Allowing reopening to all will cause havoc in the society where everyone will keep coming back with reopening requests which will also waste the precious time of the court. Always consult a bright attorney like ours to file the application for favorable consideration by the court. When you will file for a reopening of a personal injury claim, it does not automatically reopen things for you; it needs convincing reasons stated in the application.

Is There Anything Else You Should Know About Reopening a Personal Injury Claim?

As a determined and conveying law firm, we take it as our responsibility to make you aware of the legal mandates so that you do not suffer later on. Get in touch with us for personalized advice for free because all cases are different from each other.

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