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Truck Safety: Underride Accidents and Protective Measures

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  • Truck Safety: Underride Accidents and Protective Measures
Bronx truck accident attorneys

Underride accidents are among the most dangerous and fatal incidents on the road. They often occur when a smaller vehicle slides beneath a larger truck, resulting in severe damage or fatal injuries for its occupants. Due to their size and weight, underride accidents are especially devastating. Improved safety measures are urgently needed to help avoid such tragedies.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck accident, consulting experienced Bronx truck accident lawyers is essential. At Bronx Injury Lawyers P.C. we specialize in underride accident claims and can assist victims by seeking justice through legal channels while seeking compensation through legal processes.

Understanding Underride Accidents and Their Dangers

Underride accidents happen when a smaller vehicle slips beneath a large truck from either its rear or side and hits either its rear part, often with fatal results. Underride accidents usually involve either rear underride, wherein passenger cars go under its back part, or side underride, wherein vehicles get lodged beneath its sides; statistics have revealed that approximately one-third of deaths attributed to road collisions involving large trucks were the result of underride accidents.

Underride accidents often stem from poor visibility, sudden braking or inadequate truck lighting – factors which driver inattention plays an integral part in. Inclement weather such as rain or fog can further diminish visibility and increase risk. Furthermore, design flaws like insufficient underride guards leave certain trucks even more susceptible than usual to underride crashes which have often had tragic results.

Underride accidents on smaller vehicles can have catastrophic results. Due to size and height differences between large trucks and passenger cars, passengers in smaller cars are at much greater risk of severe injury or death during collisions involving these larger trucks; often, crushed roofs and compromised safety features leave victims vulnerable to fatal head and neck injuries; therefore effective underride protection solutions must be in place as quickly as possible.

Protective Measures to Prevent Underride Accidents

Federal agencies such as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) have implemented regulations mandating rear underride guards on trucks in order to minimize underride accidents and injuries caused by collisions between smaller and larger vehicles. Though current regulations mandate these protections, their effectiveness depends upon maintenance and installation processes; more comprehensive standards are therefore essential.

Side underride accidents, while less regulated than rear underride collisions, are just as lethal. Although advocates have made strong demands for their mandatory installation on trucks, federal law does not currently mandate side underride guards to prevent smaller vehicles from becoming trapped beneath a truck and increasing safety on the roads by reducing preventable deaths. Advocating for mandatory side underride guards is vital in improving road safety and decreasing avoidable deaths.

Other safety technologies, in addition to underride guards, can assist in the prevention of underride accidents. Automatic emergency braking (AEB), improved lighting, and reflective materials on trucks can increase visibility and lower collision risks. Regular underride guard maintenance is also crucial in order to effectively decrease underride accidents while protecting motorists from harm. Disrepaired or worn-out underride guards could decrease underride accidents significantly with these preventive measures working together effectively to help lower them overall and decrease underride accidents overall.


Preventing underride accidents would save more lives and improve road safety. Underride accidents are dangerous in nature, and the threat to human life is relatively high due to the lack of protection in the case of underride guards. It is, therefore, important that safety features be on trucks to decrease the number of such tragic and devastating incidents.

Therefore, it is important for the victim of such an underride accident to receive legal assistance so that the person’s rights can be protected. Bronx Injury Lawyers, P.C., specializes in particularly complex cases involving truck accidents, such as underride accidents, and will help victims get the amount they need as compensation.