Bronx Injury Lawyers P.C.

How the Bronx Came to Be

The Bronx has always been an important part of New York City’s history. It was home to many famous people who shaped today’s world, including Alexander Hamilton (who had his home there), Gertrude Stein (who lived in a house across from Yankee Stadium), and Walt Whitman (who lived in one of the most well-known apartment buildings in New York City).

It wasn’t until the late 19th century that people began moving into the Bronx. The population grew rapidly during this time period due to immigration from Europe, especially Poland and Italy. By World War II, more than 30 percent of all Bronx residents were immigrants or children born abroad.

From the Dutch to the British

The Bronx was originally a Dutch settlement known as Bronck’s Landing. The area was first settled in 1640, shortly after the English colonization of the New Netherland.

The name “Bronx” is derived from the Dutch word “borch”, meaning borough. During Dutch colonial times, the area was known as Bronck’s Landing or “Breuckelen”, after Willem Claeszen van Bronck, who purchased the land from Native Americans in 1639 for 50 guilders (about $1500 USD today).

The Bronx was originally developed by the Dutch in 1639, who established a small trading post at the southern tip of Manhattan. In the 17th century, the British expanded their territory and built Fort Amsterdam, which served as a trading post and military base. In 1664, the British took over from the Dutch and renamed it New York City.

New York State Purchases the Bronx

In 1795, New York State bought the area from William Jackson for $1.2 million and developed it into an agricultural community called Pelham Manor. The name change from “Pelham Manor” to “The Bronx” came about when local politicians found out that a proposed change would cost too much money and it would be easier to promote their city if they could call it something more familiar than “Pelham Manor”.

The Bronx was then developed as part of the New York City region.

The Bronx was developed from 1899 to 1903 by William Van Wyck, who had purchased much of what is now called the Bronx from Isaac G. Hunter in 1874. The original boundaries were made up of portions of Kingsbridge Road and Concourse Village as well as other areas that are now considered part of the northern Bronx.

Wrapping Up

The Bronx, aside from all that’s great with it, also has a host of problems. And unsuspecting guests or tourists might end up needing some legal help, such as for personal injury cases.

If you’re ever in need of finding top Bronx personal injury lawyers, then you should check out one of the leading Bronx legal firms – Bronx Injury Lawyers. Our attorneys will certainly be a good pick in any injury case, as we are one of the best law firms out there. They have excellent Bronx personal injury lawyers, offer free consultation, and have a great track record. Learn more about them at