Bronx Injury Lawyers P.C.



Bronx slip and fall lawyers are known for obtaining high judgments in Court for victims of work injuries. We want to help the future generation of Bronx slip and fall attorneys with their education expenses by offering an annual $500 scholarship. The Scholarship will be based on an essay competition with a topic focused on personal injury law.
Bronx Injury Lawyers Scholarship


  • The scholarship opportunity is open to undergrad through post-grad students. All applicants must be actively enrolled in a U.S. college/university.
  • All submissions should contain the authors name, address, phone number, current major and college.
  • All submissions should be emailed to
  • All submissions must be in .pdf format.
  • All submissions must be received by December 31, 2025.
  • Winner will be announced on our website on January 31, 2026.


– MAX 1500 WORDS

Slip and fall accidents are among the most common personal injury claims, often resulting from unsafe conditions on sidewalks, in apartment buildings, and in businesses. In your essay, explore New York’s premises liability laws, the responsibilities of property owners, and the legal rights of victims seeking compensation. Discuss key legal challenges, such as proving negligence, and examine how these laws protect or fail to protect Bronx residents. You may also propose legal reforms or safety initiatives that could help prevent slip and fall accidents and improve access to justice for victims.

– Guidelines

  • Only answer the question provided.
  • Use online articles and caselaw to support your essay.
  • Proper grammar, spelling, and citations should be used.
  • All submissions will be checked for plagiarism.
Bronx Injury Lawyers

Thank you for your interest in the slip and fall scholarship provided by Bronx Injury Lawyers P.C. If you or a family member have been injured, contact one of our attorneys today at (718) 993-3303 for a free consultation.