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No-Fault V. Fault States: What Is New York?

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  • No-Fault V. Fault States: What Is New York?
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When you’re involved in a collision with another vehicle, your vehicle insurance coverage might come to your rescue. Insurance claims, on the other hand, are resolved in various ways based on the fault rules in your state. If you are in an accident, you may find it easier to deal with the claims procedure if you are aware of how your state handles claims.

What is the meaning of No-fault states?

You’re covered by personal injury protection (PIP) insurance in no-fault states, but the liability coverage of bodily injury of the negligent motorist is responsible for paying for the hospital expenses of the other party. Having a no-fault state makes life easier. In an automobile collision, each driver is liable for their losses. A driver who is irresponsible and hits a vehicle who was observing every traffic law in the book is not likely to pay for any of your medical bills or lost wages. Recovering financial losses will need to contact your personal insurance provider.

What is the meaning of fault states?

In the fault states, the driver who caused the accident is responsible for the accident’s costs, and their insurance will cover them—for the benefit of everyone who was injured or killed as a result. Each driver’s insurance covers their personal expenses, as well as the expenses of any passengers in the vehicle.

Motor vehicle collisions in which you are not to blame.

To clarify, how does auto insurance work when the other driver is at fault in an accident? It is important to note that if you are involved in an accident that was not your fault, your claim will be processed according to the state’s liability regulations. In places with no-fault or negligence law, it is possible to have an accident in which the other party was not at fault.

You and your passengers’ medical bills and lost wages will be covered by your PIP insurance in a no-fault state if you are struck by another vehicle. The insurance may also cover your medical bills, missed earnings from not being able to work, and the cost of hiring someone to help you around the home if you are unable to do so because of your injury. Your vehicle’s repairs should still be covered by the at-fault driver’s insurance.

If you’re injured in an automobile accident in an at-fault state, the insurance of the at-fault driver should cover your medical expenses and vehicle repairs. If you live in a jurisdiction where civil law applies, you may still be able to get PIP or medical payments insurance. Regardless of who was at fault for the accident, these choices will cover your medical fees as well as the bills of any wounded passengers.

Is New York a fault state or a No-fault state?

No-Fault Insurance is the law in New York. Insurance in New York is a “no-fault” state, which implies that the insurance provider will typically cover the losses despite who caused the accident. Medical expenses and other damages that may arise after an accident may be paid by insurance companies.

Liability insurance is also required by law in New York for all registered automobiles, with the following minimum coverage amounts:

  • Injuries to the body may cost up to $50,000 per individual.
  • $50,000 – $100,000 for death.
  • Damages to the property above $10,000 per incident


No-Fault Laws in New York State might be difficult to grasp in their totality. It is our job to ensure that you obtain all of the compensation to which you are due after an accident. To learn more about how the No-Fault Laws of New York State apply to your specific case, or if you have been injured in a car accident, please call Bronx Car Accident Lawyers.